Welcome to Podcaster@s
In this article in English, we tell you what Podcaster@s is and our regional projects.
Sí entiendes español puedes visitar nuestra home aquí.

The community of Spanish-language producers
We were born in the spirit of cultivating a community, sharing knowledge, encouraging growth and improving the Spanish-language audio industry with excellence and audacity.
We are chroniclers, documentarians, sound designers and engineers, producers, journalists, listeners and many others who share the love for podcasting in Spanish.
The Podcaster@s community of Spanish-language producers contains members in over 18 countries and our aim is to support them in creating high-quality podcasts.
Boletín Podcastero
Original editorial content
The flagship project of our community. It is a monthly edition featuring original content written by podcasters in different countries. Including interviews, in-depth articles, podcast industry news and production tips.
Among our contributions we highlight a compilation of newsletters with the state of the podcast industries in Mexico, Bolivia, Spain, Ecuador, Argentina, Colombia, Nicaragua, Peru, Uruguay, Puerto Rico, and Panama, reported by local producers. After publication, each newsletter is available on our website.
Podcast in Spanish language is booming. But who's listening?is booming
EncuestaPod is the only regional study on podcast consumption in Spanish. Its results are permanently mentioned by producers, journalists and managers of the podcast industry.
A collaborative survey, organized by Podcaster@s, that aims to collect podcast consumption data from Spanish-speaking audiences among platforms and countries. It has been conducted in 2017, 2019, 2021 and 2022.
Find your Spanish-speaking teammates in our Directory with more than 500 members.
The directory is free and allows you to connect with people from all over the world to produce podcasts.